As the Shetland Film Archive receives no core funding we are extremely grateful to receive donations of any amount! You can make a donation through Paypal, or contact us if you would prefer to send a cheque.
A donation to the archive directly supports our charitable objectives of collecting, preserving and celebrating vulnerable moving image material. For example, a donation of £50 would cover digitisation of approximately 7 minutes of cinefilm, or 50 minutes of videotape.
The archive is also very grateful to the funding bodies and other organisations who have provided grant funding over the years. These include:
The National Lottery Heritage Fund
The Scalloway Community Council
LEADER 2007-2013
Phase One
In March 2011 the Shetland LEADER LAG awarded funding of £27,555 45% of total project costs for phase 1 of establishing a moving image archive including the employment of a project development Manager.
During the duration of phase 1 of the project the group received training in different aspects of the archiving of film and developed a plan for the file format and storage of the digital films. In addition the group have had a number of public screenings to show off some of the films in the archive and raise awareness of the project.
LEADER 2014-2020
Digitsation and Catalouging
In November 2016 the Shetland LEADER LAG awarded funding of £5,420 45% of total project costs for digitising an initial collection of around forty old, vulnerable films and video tapes; and to employ an Outreach Worker. This employee worked with volunteers and community groups to catalogue those films, upload the data onto the Content Management System, and host extracts online, taking account of copyright via our deposit and donor agreements. The films were digitised by a specialist film laboratory - a business model deemed to provide best value for the digitisation process.
The Outreach worker promoted access to the collection for a number of purposes, including research and education. People across the world who have an interest in Shetland will be able to search for film and moving image material online. The Outreach Officer worked with the local community to identify new volunteers and to engage with new audiences in Shetland and around the world.