Views of men casting peats - using traditional tuskers to cut peat and stack them up on the bank. Also views of a tractor being used to turn over the ground prior to casting.

Film-maker: Bertie Mowat

Donated by Erik Erasmuson.

This video showcases traditional crofting skills - using tuskers to cast peats and stack them up on the hillside for drying out.

00:00:00Two men casting peats - cutting peats from the hillside. One is smoking a pipe. They are using traditional tuskers (a spade with a feathered blade for cutting peats).
00:00:05View of three men casting peats, with peats stacked up on the bank next to them.
00:00:15Man in red checked shirt casting peats.
00:00:26A closer view of a man cutting peats.
00:00:33Various shots of a red tracker pulling a plow to turn over the peat bank.
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