This mid to late 1960s film shows life on the island of Fair Isle. The footage shows the Good Shepherd boat arriving at the island and then various scenes at the local school. Stella Shepherd is presented with gifts from the children.

Filmed by Dennis and Stella Shepherd. Donated by Chris and Peter Reep.

00:00:00The Good Shepherd boat sailing to Sumburgh, and tied up at at Wilsness Pier.
00:00:19Outside the school Stella Shepherd is presented with gifts from the children. She shows the camera a bracelet she has received.
00:01:21Children run through a field.
00:01:35Exterior view of the school building. A car is parked outside.
00:01:45Various scenic views, including long shots of the coast and a church.
00:02:18Female teacher and pupils playing 'What's The Time Mr Wolf?'
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