Film of children walking along the coastline. Some shots reveal the Dore Holm, in the Northmavine area of Shetland. The family have taken their dog out for the walk, who enjoys examining the nearby rabbit burrows!

Donated by the Miller family.

00:00:00Girl running on grassy hill. Boy and older girl on hill, dry stane dyke behind.
00:00:05Three children walking down towards coastline, carrying a box.
00:00:16Dilapidated wooden shed and a rusty barrel.
00:00:25Two girls standing beside a black and white cow.
00:00:30Girls walking down over rocks, towards upper shoreline. Old stone building behind, with stacked driftwood pile.
00:00:45Children on stony beach, beachcombing.
00:00:46‘Liptons’ carrier bag.
00:00:56Boy walking uphill; Dore Holm, beach and buildings in the distance. Girl walking uphill.
00:01:03Boy and girl lying on the grass, playing with brown dog.
00:01:11Brown dog sniffing at rabbit burrows
00:01:21Landscape and sea; Foula barely visible on the horizon. Girl sitting on grass.
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