This mid to late 1960s film shows life on the island of Papa Stour. This footage shows planes coming and going at the landing strip at Hamnavoe.
Filmed by Dennis and Stella Shepherd. Donated by Chris and Peter Reep.
00:00:00 | Multiple shots of a plane landing / taking off at the air strip at Hamnavoe, Papa Stour. Low light. |
00:02:21 | Daytime footage - rough track landing strip marked out with stone boundaries. |
00:02:25 | Small islander plane id: G-AXKB white with red and black stripes coming in to land. |
00:03:20 | Plane taking off. |
00:03:39 | Wind sock: ‘SHELL’ |
00:03:52 | . Various shots of air strip - markers on ground, wind sock, shore. |