Synopsis: This film was taken on a busy day in Fraser Park (Scalloway). Children are seen playing on the swings, see-saw and chasing each other in the sandpit. A good day out for everyone!
Film-maker: Mitchell Georgeson
Donated by the Georgeson family.
00:00:00 | Scenes in Fraser Park, Scalloway. Lots of children playing in sandpit. They are chasing each other. |
00:00:20 | Girl pushing little boy (possiblyTommy Georgeson) in swing while he is asleep. |
00:00:27 | Young woman walking by with child sitting up in pram - both looking at camera. |
00:00:31 | Two young women and a girl playing on see-saw. |
00:00:36 | Children playing on swings. |
00:00:52 | Close up shots of a girl on the swings - moving towards camera. |
00:00:58 | Close up shots of a boy on the swings - moving towards camera. |