Footage of a Shetland boat, the Harvest Gold, fishing for eels off the East coast of Shetland in 1982. Video was filmed by Charlie Simpson for the Shetland Islands Council R&D department.
Filmed and donated by Charlie Simpson.
A good insight into the work of a crew fishing for eels. Plenty to haul in!
00:00:13 | Views of sea and land from boat, Harvest Gold, sailing through Mousa Sound. |
00:00:56 | Various views of crew working on deck in rainy conditions with seabirds flying around boat. Skipper Winson Watt, crew: Stuart Williamson, Francis Adamson, John Robert Scott. |
00:01:55 | Various fish and crabs in tank. |
00:03:14 | Man standing on deck, looking at shore. Zoom in to closer view of land. |
00:03:29 | Seagulls perched on the side of the boat. |
00:03:55 | Panning from lighthouse across shoreline. |
00:04:17 | Date on screen (possibly incorrect): 1.1.1982. |
00:04:20 | Men casting nets off the back of boat. |
00:05:30 | Stuart Williamson operating winch. With various shots of other crew working. |
00:06:40 | Clive Scott on deck. |
00:06:55 | Stuart Williamson at controls of winch. |
00:07:09 | Various shots of fishing lines. |
00:07:56 | Octopus, fish and scallops in tank. |
00:09:43 | Fishing boat in front of shoreline and lighthouse. |
00:09:50 | Clive Scott gutting fish. |
00:11:00 | Zoom in to window - skipper inside. |
00:11:25 | Fishing boat sailing along shore. |
00:12:15 | Operating winch. |
00:13:11 | Crew on deck. |
00:14:00 | Shots of men operating winch and fishing line. Equipment hauled up. |
00:17:00 | Nets being hauled in. |
00:20:15 | large net hauled onboard and catch of eels dumped on deck |
00:20:35 | Net being tied and thrown back overboard. |
00:20:55 | Various shots of crew working on deck. |
00:21:25 | Another catch of eels dumped on deck. Crew use shovels to pour the eels below deck. |
00:21:55 | Another large net hauled onboard and catch emptied. |
00:22:37 | Various shots of crew working on deck. |
00:23:12 | Boat in motion - view of sea. |
00:23:35 | Shots of eels, octopus, crabs star fish, etc in tank. |
00:28:35 | Views from boat - shore, seabirds, etc. |
00:28:56 | Looking through hatch to eels below deck. |
00:29:25 | Other shots of deck and crew working. |
00:30:55 | Brief shot of deck at night. |