Sailing regattas have always been popular social events in Shetland. This 1975 event was held in Vaila Sound, near Walls on the West Mainland.
Film-maker: Bertie Mowat
Donated by Erik Erasmuson.
00:00:00 | Various long shots of boats sailing in Vaila Sound. |
00:00:29 | Close up of white boat with two men onboard. |
00:00:36 | Close up of wooden boat sailing away from the camera with three men onboard. |
00:00:41 | Close up of wooden boat with two men onboard. |
00:00:48 | Close up of wooden boat passing camera. |
00:02:53 | Close up of white boat with blue sails, with two men onboard. |
00:00:59 | Close up of boats lined up in sound. |
00:01:10 | Close up of two boats. |
00:01:18 | Various long shots of boats sailing. Some with larger motor boats berthed behind. |