Sailing regattas have always been popular social events in Shetland. The inter club regattas provided additional competition, with the opportunity to compete against teams from other local communities. This 1974 event was held in Vaila Sound, near Walls on the West Mainland.

Film-maker: Bertie Mowat

Donated by Erik Erasmuson

00:00:00Long shots of various boats sailing in Vaila Sound at the inter club regatta.
00:01:23Close up of white boat with two men onboard.
00:01:28Long shots of boats.
00:01:49Small motor boat passing with three men onboard.
00:01:53Long shots of boats.
00:02:00Long shot of motor boat with five people onboard, possibly pulling a small boat with two onboard.
00:02:07Footage blooms and is then overexposed.
00:02:29Close up of white boat with two men onboard.
00:02:31Close up of a white boat passing another. The three men onboard lean out as they guide the boat.
00:02:38Long shots of boats.
00:02:44Close up of red boat with three men onboard.
00:02:47Close ups of wooden boat with three men onboard. The sea looks rough.
00:02:59Close up of green boat with three men onboard. In the distance a large industrial boat (fishing?) can be seen.
00:03:06Close up of red boat with three men onboard. They lean out as they steer.
00:03:14Long shots of boats.
00:03:23Close up of green boat with three men onboard. Large industrial boat in background.
00:03:31Close up of white boat with three men onboard. The lean out as they steer. Various boats in background, including large fishing boat.
00:03:45Long shots of boats.
00:03:58Close up of white boat with three men onboard. They lean back and forth as they whip past.
00:04:04Long shots of boats with large industrial boat in background. Moving to close up of green boat with three men onboard.
00:04:22Close up of white boat with three men onboard.
00:04:28Close up of wooden boat with two men onboard. Another crosses the frame.
00:04:36Long shot of boat with smaller boats anchored behind.
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