Sailing regattas have always been popular social events in Shetland. The inter club regattas provided additional competition, with the opportunity to compete against teams from other local communities. This 1975 event was held in Vaila Sound, near Walls on the West Mainland.

Film-maker: Bertie Mowat

Donated by Erik Erasmuson.

00:00:00Various shots of sailing boats in Vaila Sound, some with large industrial ship behind.
00:00:26Close up of green boat with three men onboard.
00:00:32Close up of white boat.
00:00:39Close up of green boat with three men onboard.
00:00:45Various long shots of boats in sound.
00:01:05Close up of boat with blue sails. A white boat sails close to the camera and overtakes
00:01:11Close up of white boat passing camera.
00:01:14Various long shots of boats sailing.
00:01:52Boats lining up for start of race. Sails from two ships pass by close to the camera.
00:02:03Large group of boats in race, passing by large industrial ship behind.
00:02:17Close up of wooden boat passing by with three men onboard. Pan across to men leaning out of white boat, heading towards camera. They swing boat around to change direction.
00:02:39Various long shots of boats sailing.
00:03:38Close up of white boat with three men onboard.
00:03:46Close up of blue boat with three men passing camera with three men onboard.
00:03:53Long shot of white boat. Blue boat with three men onboard sails into view close to camera.
00:04:04Various long shots of boats sailing in race.
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