This film dates from the mid to late 1960s and shows life on the island of Papa Stour. Footage includes views of the landscape in summer, local wildlife and Stella Shepherd taking visitors on a boat trip.

Filmed by Dennis and Stella Shepherd. Donated by Chris and Peter Reep.

00:00:00Dennis Shepherd with a sheepdog in the garden.
00:00:17Views from the top of the hill of Fielly. Landscape and settlements.
00:00:43Red throated diver on loch.
00:01:05. Stella Shepherd and visitors walking up a hill with a pram. Climbing over a fence.
00:01:40Group walking to end of pier (looking across to ruins of North House) and getting in boat.
00:02:03Motor boat departs.
00:02:16Bird on water.
00:02:23. Stella Shepherd in garden with sheepdog.
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