Synopsis: This mid to late 1960s film shows life on the island of Papa Stour. The footage shows the process of transporting sheep from the island - including sheep being transported to the pier by tractor, being loaded on a barge and then departing via tow line to motor boat.
Filmed by Dennis and Stella Shepherd. Donated by Chris and Peter Reep.
00:00:00 | Gulls in garden and on gate posts. |
00:00:26 | Long shot of pier, showing a van, crane, and row boat passing under. |
00:00:31 | Tractor with sheep driving through field. Two men sitting on tractor. |
00:00:42 | Tractor with sheep being reversed down pier. |
00:00:48 | Group offloading sheep from trailer, into barge. |
00:01:01 | Close up of man handling sheep. |
00:01:06 | Close up of man reversing tractor down pier. With sheep and young boy in trailer. |
00:01:12 | Motor boat approaching pier. |
00:01:17 | Barge being unmoored from pier, being tied to motor boat and both departing. |
00:01:55 | View of voe, with gulls flying. |
00:02:06 | Sheep dog walking down pier. |
00:02:14 | More views of voe. |