Bobby Mowat, Sullom, and Charlie Johnson, Gath, Sullom; treating croft land at 'Da Punds,' Sullom. They are seen dispersing bags of white powder using a tractor and shovels.

Film-maker: Bertie Mowat

Donated by Erik Erasmuson.

00:00:00Bobby Mowat, Sullom, and Charlie Johnson, Gath, Sullom; filling the back of the tractor with a white power. A sheep dog is standing next to the tractor.
00:00:22Various shots of Bobby Mowat driving the tractor which is spreading powder on the land at the 'Da Punds,' Sullom. Assisted by Charlie Johnson.
00:00:43Seagull flying overhead.
00:00:47Shots of Charlie Johnson breaking open bags of powder and shovelling it over the land.
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