This footage shows the Georgeson children enjoying several outings in the countryside. They drive from Lerwick to see pigs at Wormadale, explore the Brig a Fitch burn (looking for tadpoles) and attend a Sunday School picnic at St Ninian's Isle.

Film-maker: Mitchell Georgeson

Donated by the Georgeson family.

00:00:00Monty and Beryl Georgeson at Eddlewood House, Lerwick. Monty is wearing a kilt. They get into a car outside.
00:00:30Man walks by with a bicycle.
00:00:36Ruby Sandison walks by with Helen and Ruth.
00:00:55Michell Georgeson outside Eddlewood House with Beryl and Ruby. He helps Ruby into the car.
00:01:12Grace Bowden, Aberdeen, holding Bertie Georgeson.
00:01:56Girl (Joyce), Monty and Beryl approach. Joyce jumps up and down in excitement.
00:02:22. Pigs at Wormadale (with vet's house in background). Monty Georgeson and other children looking at the pigs.
00:02:37. Car on the road.
00:02:52View over Whiteness.
00:02:56Man in field.
00:02:58Playing at the old Brig a Fitch burn. Monty Georgeson in kilt, Beryl Georgeson, and two other children might be Peter and Irene Tait.
00:03:32Ebenezer Sunday School picnic at St Ninians. Man fixing a swing.
00:03:37Children watching a pony dragging a large barrel on a cart.
00:03:46Children at picnic. Van says A.W. Peterson, plumber. Registration PS2030G. Margaret Irvine (woman with glasses). Children: Henry Gilbertson, Beryl Georgeson, Ruby Georgeson, Monty Georgeson.
00:04:13Children at see-saw. Willie Peterson (?), Henry Gilbertson.
00:04:27Girl skipping backwards.
00:04:35Girl walking in field (possibly Irene Tait?)
00:04:38Three young women walking towards camera with coast behind. Possibly Irene Tait, Marina Gilbertson and Jasmine Leask.
00:04:43Monty and Beryl Georgeson playing at the Brig a Fitch burn.
00:04:45Monty and another boy walking across stepping stones and looking in water. Then girl walking in field (Irene Tait?) and Monty holding a tadpole in his hand.
00:05:00More shot shots of the children playing at the burn, looking for tadpoles.
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